Our One-Step Signup Process



Sign up with your basic contact and trademark details.


Compiling & Filing

Our attorneys will compile your details and file Your Trademark with CIPO.



Your trademark serial no. will be delivered to you in only 24 hours.

About Us

At Trademark Nest, we make sure that you get the best possible intellectual property registration and protection, so we have gathered the most elite and capable trademark attorneys to be part of our team. Our 100% success rate is proof of our ample experience in this industry, which is over 25 years. We make sure your trademark registration with the CIPO is smooth and completely hassle-free.

Attorney Awards

  • 100% Success Rate
  • 25+ Years of Industry Experience
  • 15+ Attorney Awards Achieved in the Last 5 Years
  • 100% Satisfaction Rate
  • Well Versed in Trademark, Copyright, and Patents Registration
3 Million +

Satisfied with Our Trademark Service

3 Million +

Registered CIPO Trademark Through Us

24/7 Customer

Assist You in All Trademark Related Queries

Service Packages


$ 45*
+ CIPO Filing Fee
  • Case Review
  • Basic Trademark Search
  • Trademark Monitoring Services (1 Month)
  • Trademark Secured®
  • complete paperwork
*(Govt. filing fee not included)


$ 149*
+ CIPO Filing Fee
  • Case Review by a (TM Expert)
  • Basic Free Trademark Search
  • Trademark Monitoring Services (3 Months)
  • Trademark Secured®
  • Refusal Risk Meter®
  • complete paperwork
*(Govt. filing fee not included)


$ 299*
+ CIPO Filing Fee
  • Case Review & Filing by an (Attorney)
  • Expedited Application Processing within 24 Hours
  • Filing along with Complete Paperwork
  • Trademark Monitoring Services, (12 Months)
  • Trademark Secured®
  • Refusal Risk Meter®
  • Litigant Scan
  • Comprehensive Trademark Search Report (50 States along with social media/Domains)
  • Cease & Desist Letter
  • Dedicated Account Manager & 100% Approval Guaranteed
*(Govt. filing fee not included)


$ 499*
+ Federal Filing Fee
  • Case Review & Filing
    (U.S Registered IP Attorney)
  • Assigned Case Filing Officer
  • Private Registration
  • Federal Search & Clearance Report (All States)
  • Federal E-Filing (USPTO)
  • Cease & Desist Letter
  • Same Day Filing
  • Trademark Monitoring
    (1 Year)
  • Trademark Secured
  • Direct Hit Search
  • Dedicated Case Manager
  • 24/7 Secure Online Access
  • 100% Approval Guarantee
*(Govt. filing fee not included)

CIPO Trademark for Only $45!

Apply for Your CIPO Trademark Today & Get Serial No. in just 24 Hours