Our One-Step Signup Process



Sign-up with your basic contact and trademark information


Case Preparation

Our trademark experts will plan, organize and compile your case


Trademark Search Starts

Our team searches for trademarks similar to yours on our database

Why Should I Get a Trademark Search?

A trademark search is as vital as getting a trademark. It ensures that other parties have not already filed identical marks. We will let you know if any other company uses a name, logo, or slogan that is similar to yours so you can make the necessary modifications to make your intellectual property distinctive.

3 Million+ Trademarks

Approved by Our Search as Unique

3 Million+ Database

searches in the Canada and Outside of it

900,000+ Businesses

Consulted for Trademark Conflicts & Resolution

Our Service Packages

Federal & State Search

$ 149
  • Trademark search
    The federal search provides any similar names, logos, or slogans that are registered or pending with the CIPO.
  • State Search
    The state search does the same for all 50 states.
  • Detailed online report
    Identifies any matches with all the information you need to strategize your next step.

Federal, State, & Common Law

$ 299
+ CIPO filing fee
  • Corporate name search
    We run a search for all corporate and other business entity names in all 50 states.
  • Corporate Directories
    We search the corporate directories for listing of others who might be using your name.
  • Common law
    Proprietary internet searches reveal the use of your name that may be protected by common law trademarks.
  • Domain names
    We search the most common top level domain names to see if anyone is using your name online.


$ 499
  • Global search
    We search for pending and registered marks in these multi-national jurisdictions:
    • 1. The European community
    • 2. World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
  • Corporate name search
    We run a search for all corporate and other business entity names in all 50 states.
  • Corporate Directories
    We search the corporate directories for listing of others who might be using your name.
  • Common law
    Proprietary internet searches reveal the use of your name that may be protected by common law trademarks.
  • Domain names
    We search the most common top level domain names to see if anyone is using your name online.